EMBRACO NT6215Z 134A-1/2 HP

EMBRACO NT6215Z 134A-1/2 HP

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The NT family can cover a wide range of applications up to 1 ½ HP and can be used for cold rooms, Grab N Go refrigerators and medical upright freezers and blast chillers. Embraco has been strengthening its position in medical refrigeration since 2011, when it started producing NT compressors optimized for ultra low temperature applications, in which the temperature inside the cabinet reaches up to -80°C.

  • Reliable for challenging applications

  • Available in 115 V, 208-230 V, and 3PH

  • 50/60 Hz Input Frequency

  • Refrigerant Compatibility: R134a; R513A; R290; R404A; R448A; R449A; R452A

  • Applications: LBP, MBP, M/HBP

The new NEU and NTU platforms are recognized for their high energy efficiency, performance and reliability. The new generation can be 5 to 10% more energy efficient than the previous models.

Product Information:

 Product Group : Comp Herm - Embraco
Motor Type : CSIR/RSIR
VSD Capable : No
R134a Capacity -20°C : 1090 W
Displacement : 17.4 cc
Discharge Line Connection : 0.25
Suction Line Connection : 0.375
LRA : 20.7 A
RLA : 3.2 A
Voltage : 220-240/1/50 V
Height : 220 mm
Oil Type : POE
Nominal HP : 0.5 HP

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