BLOWER 10X10 750W 4P 3SP

BLOWER 10X10 750W 4P 3SP

Regular price $996.63 Unit price per

The direct drive blowers have a forward curved wheel mounted directly to the motor shaft. Double inlet allows air to be drawn from both sides. The motors are 4 or 6 pole, 3 speed and some models maybe fitted with a particular size capacitor to give the desired performance.

All motors have thermal overload protection and insulation that conforms to class B requirements. The housings are made from G2 Galvabond Steel Z275.

DDC uses the ‘C’ type wheels which have individual blades that use a Centre locking disc arrangement for the 241mm or 270mm diameter units.

A: 400mm B: 334mm C: 420mm D: 442mm

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